

Dark room

Entrance hall

Green Wall


Living room

Red Wall


Enigma 1

Mixed media relief on canvas
Black wood tray frame
30 x 30 x 4cm
Shipping included for UK

*Exclusive to Tyrrell Art Gallery*


Nicole Minton

Born in 1960 Nicole Minton was part of a large, bohemian family, surrounded by art and music at all times. Her father (Frank Thrower) was designer for Dartington Glass and her Swedish mother a skilful photographer; so, it is no wonder that the creative arts would become a major part of her life. At 17, with a scholarship to the Mountview Theatre School, it seemed that acting would be her future. However, bringing up her own family in France, New Zealand and various parts of the UK interrupted this and drawing and painting began to be an alternative outlet for her talents. In the late 80s Nicole began to develop her skills with a Fine Art degree in Printmaking at the Norwich School of Art under the tutelage of Ana Maria Pacheco and Derrick Greaves, both influencing her practice and personal development, and increasing her artistic confidence. Postgraduate work found Nicole continuing to develop her practice through explorations in technique and process, whilst teaching in local schools and colleges enabled her to pass on her passion and enthusiasm to her own students, seeing many continuing their own practices after completing their courses. Unfortunately, illness brought her teaching career to an end, but returning to her own arts practice fulltime in 2010, enabled her to navigate and support her own recovery. Although her earlier high energy levels are diminished, her current practice relies on a much calmer developmental process, based on a repeated sequence of building and stripping back layers in different areas of the canvas. Most works feature acrylic paint, with additions and subtractions of cloth, paper and card layers (with Teabag paper a signature material!), sand may also be used and different textures in the paint explored. Sgraffito effects are scratched, scraped and sanded into surfaces and through layers (sometimes even with an electric sander!) producing astonishing patina effects on the predominantly geometric, abstract works; whilst some pieces rely only on paint to create the layers and contrasts that have become Nicole’s signature style. Generally working with canvases laid on the floor, Nicole is able to experiment with layout and construction, before moving on to fixing, painting, sanding and rebuilding work over many days, weeks, or even months. Some completed works may also be revisited and redeveloped in new ways. Each new work begins as an ephemeral, subconscious feeling; which guides an intuitive process of experimentation in which touch and mood are as important as visual context; often leading to small series of related works, alongside strikingly individual larger pieces. Nicole has exhibited in many galleries and group shows in the UK and has work in private collections in the UK and abroad.
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